David Weld

David Weld is the coordinator of graduate education for the NSF Quantum Foundry. He has helped develop and teach a new two-quarter multi-disciplinary graduate class in quantum science. This class is aimed at a broad population of students, including physicists, computer scientists, chemists, electrical engineers, and materials scientists. Lead PI Weld is an expert in quantum dynamics with significant experience managing training activities. In addition to his role as the coordinator of graduate education for the NSF Quantum Foundry, he is the coordinator of mentor training for the Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships and the founding PI of the UCSB SACNAS Career Pathways Program which supports career preparation for URM STEM students. Weld is the “Faculty Advisor for Training in Teaching and Mentoring” at CSEP, in which role he guides mentor training for an array of programs, many with a focus on promoting diversity in science. Weld was the founding director of the California Institute for Quantum Entanglement and is the lead PI for the Broadly-tunable Illumination Facility for Research, Outreach, Scholarship, and Training (BIFROST).