All People Name Role - Any -AlumniAssociatesFellowsIntersResearchersFacultyStaff Apply Dirk Bouwmeester Co-PI Merrell Brzeczek Graduate student and InTriQATe research trainee Raphaële Clément Co-PI Anna Dardia Graduate student and InTriQATe research trainee Sean Doan Graduate student and InTriQATe research trainee Deborah Fygenson Co-PI Nancy G Program Coordinator Nicole Halawani Graduate student and InTriQATe research trainee Ruifeng Han Graduate student and InTriQATe research trainee Fletcher Hoppe Graduate student and InTriQATe research trainee Andrew Jayich Co-PI Ania Jayich Co-PI Sam Kresch Graduate student and InTriQATe research trainee Anne Leak Evaluator and STEM Education Researcher Lubella Lenaburg Associate Director, Evaluation and Data Management Ruiyao Liu Graduate student and InTriQATe research trainee Galan Moody Co-PI Winston Peloso Graduate student and InTriQATe research trainee Laila Reimanis Graduate student and InTriQATe research trainee Akshay Sawhney Graduate student and InTriQATe research trainee Ellie Sciaky Evaluator Vojtech Vlcek Co-PI Lucas Wang Graduate student and InTriQATe research trainee David Weld PI